Tutorial: Using ThumbPlus to Customize Thumbnail Data

ThumbPlus is a Coppermine Photo Gallery plugin that allows users to customize the data displayed under the thumbnails in their gallery. It can be used to add information onto the current default information or change the information entirely replacing the default with your desired stats. This is great for removing unwanted captions under thumbnails or adding in information or stylistic elements.


The ThumbsPlus Coppermine plugin in available for download at the Coppermine Photo Galley Official Forum.
Once downloaded, extract the file and upload it into your Coppermine plugins folder in your gallery folder. After uploading, login to your Coppermine Gallery and go to the Plugin Manager under the Config tab. Scroll down to uninstalled plugins and find Thumb Plus in the list and click on the little box next to it to install it. The plugin should then be installed and ready to use.


Click the configure plugin button under Thumb Plus on the plugin manager page.
On the configuration page, it will list all the places in which you can change the thumb data. In this tutorial we will be adding the dimensions of the image to the thumbnail under the default data.
Check the box “GLOBAL” this will add the information under all thumbnails in your gallery, do not check “replace all other caption text” to keep the default data.
In the box we’re going to put the following code:
<span class="thumb_dimensions">{pwidth} x {pheight}</span>
Wrapping this code in a span, ensures you can style it later and matches the other thumb data.
The {pwidth} x {pheight} is to display the picture’s width by the picture’s height.
Click save and the dimensions of your photos will show under all thumbnails in your gallery.
To customize even further, the available attributes for substitution are available in the read me file in the plugin folder or on the Coppermine official forum.