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Click to View, viewed 70 time(s) from Coppermine Themes
Click to View, viewed 76 time(s) from Coppermine Themes
Click to View, viewed 84 time(s) from Coppermine Themes
Click to View, viewed 67 time(s) from Coppermine Themes
Click to View, viewed 68 time(s) from Wordpress Themes
Click to View, viewed 69 time(s) from Wordpress Themes
Click to View, viewed 65 time(s) from Wordpress Themes
Click to View, viewed 64 time(s) from Wordpress Themes
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Click to View, viewed 136 time(s) from Social Media Sets
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Archive for Premade Themes

Hey guys! I’m so excited to launch my first WordPress & Coppermine Theme bundle! Both themes are fully responsive and contain two versions of the header.The WordPress version of this theme features latest news, latest images, styled gallery links block & latest projects and all site name, subtitle, footer and colours can be edited in the built-in WordPress Customizer. The Coppermine theme has an easy to find and edit site name, subtitle, footer and navigation in “template.html” file and a readme file with instructions for changing the colours.
The option to purchase either the just the wordpress, just the coppermine or both themes as a bundle is available now @ my premade shop, here

For now, I’m not planning on taking on any more custom orders until the new year, but I’ll post on Twitter/X and in my sidebar.

Thanks for the support!

I am so excited to launch the newest premade responsive copppermine gallery theme I’ve been working on for the last little while. This theme is equipped with a sidebar for gallery-only fansites with a latest projects HTML template. The header features a CSS animation slideshow with easy to replace and edit header pictures as well as a welcome message and affiliate links.
You can view more details about the theme @ my premade shop!
I’ve also updated my portfolio with some recent graphic work. I’m hoping to open orders for custom themes and graphics in the upcoming week!